Strengths and weaknesses of D&D Spellcasting Classes
Strengths and weaknesses of D&D Spellcasting Classes
There are thirteen D&D Spellcasting Classes in fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons. Each class with their own subset of powers and abilities. All of them are great choices and each one holds a place in my heart. However, not all classes were created equal, and I am here to exploit that! On a serious note, I am here to give you some insight on choosing the correct class for your character. Heads up, This list will be of just the main casters of the classes.
One of the newest additions to the class crew is the tinkerer themself, Artificer. So the artificer as a base class has a lot of versatility, and is at its core a support class. You can use infusions to boost your items, or recreate magical items.This class has the ability to cast spells which also gives more utility. The biggest strength of this class is the versatility, in which if you plan correctly and work with your team you’ll be very strong. The weakness would be that you don’t compete with the classes that specialize. You have the ability to fill in any role on the team, but you can’t out damage the rogue, can’t out tank the barbarian, etc.
Bards are charismatic storytellers, using music to cast spells and inspire their allies. The bards have spell casting, but their class ability is to inspire their allies allowing them to add bonus dice to their rolls. The strengths of this class lie in its utility when compared to other D&D Spellcasting Classes, the three skills of your choice, jack of all trades, expertise. Allowing you to be a skill monkey, while supporting your group with social interactions and high charisma. Not to mention the adds to roles, spells, and spell choices in any class. Weaknesses lie in the lack of damage you put out. That, and you don’t have much health, so positioning is very important to not dying.
Coming in at one of the more divine classes is the pious cleric. The cleric uses their divinely blessed powers to cast spells and abilities. The powers that come from this class are determined by your deity. Which makes this difficult to determine its strengths and weaknesses. Strengths include much healing, good armor class, good spells, and a lot of versatility. Weaknesses for this class would be that you only get one attack per turn. You have to follow your deities guidelines or lose your power.
From mice to grizzly bears we have a druid for everything in between. Druids are wise spell casters who are blessed by nature itself. The druids class ability is called Wild Shape, this allows you to transform into a beast of your choice that you’ve seen before. The strengths of this class is in its versatility of multiple animal forms and spell casting. Improved health from choosing those forms giving you an extra life bar essentially. Weaknesses are in knowing all of your options and having their stats on hand. As well as balancing all of the spells, shapes you have left, and it’s not so much in a weakness of the class but the player.
The powers of the arcane came to you quickly, not needing any sort of tutelage. The powers of a sorcerer come from the origins of their bloodline or gift. The class ability allows you to alter spells as you cast them making them stronger or more advantageous as usual. Strengths are the massive amount of damage you can put out, as well as the large amount of spell slots that you can create or make. As well as high charisma makes you very useful in social encounters. Weaknesses are the low health that you get with a d6, and that when you are out of spells, using weapons aren’t strong. As well as your spells are usually elemental based where resistances can mess with you.
Due to the pact you made with an extra-planar entity, you now can bend the eldritch elements to your command. The being of strength granted you these powers, allowing you to use invocations to help you in your travels. The strengths are in your high charisma for social encounters, your high amounts of damage, and your spells off short rests. Your weaknesses are in your low amount of health, lack of skills, and low amount of spell slots.
Spending years of studying and dedicating your life to the arcane have started to pay off. Your class ability allows you to take your steps towards becoming a master in the ways of the school you have chosen. The strengths come in your vast amount of spells, and the utility from them, not to mention the ability to cast spells for free from your book not using a spell slot. Weaknesses come from low health points, and uselessness after your spell slots are gone.
Conclusion on D&D Spellcasting Classes
Each casting class brings in something that makes it more attractive for specific players. Any of the D&D Spellcasting Classes can be played any way, but some do it better. Support classes like bard or cleric will outshine wizard and sorcerer. However, the sorcerer and wizard will out damage the latter. It’s all balance and figuring out which class you think your character would match to best. The list with the martial characters coming out soon so keep an eye out.