Strengths and Weaknesses of D&D Martial Classes

Strengths and Weaknesses of D&D Martial Classes

Strengths and Weaknesses of D&D Martial Classes

Welcome back! Unless you haven’t read the classes article on the casters. Anyways there are thirteen D&D Martial Classes in fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons. Each class with their own subset of powers and abilities. All of them are great choices and each one holds a place in my heart. However, not all classes were created equal, and I am here to exploit that! On a serious note, I am here to give you some insight on choosing the correct class for your character. Heads up, This list will be of just the martial focus of the classes.


Stereotypical meat shield coming through make way, one of the staples of D&D, the Barbarian. This class is more straightforward, it is either your tank or damage-dealer, sometimes both! Your class ability is to channel your rage and recklessly throw yourself in the heat of battle. The strengths of this class lies in its ridiculous health that is a d12 plus constitution, as well as rage. Rage adds bonus damage and halves most physical damage. You put yourself at risk very often, but in turn you are rewarded with high amounts of damage! The weaknesses lie in putting yourself in harms way often, as well as no spellcasting and lack of utility.


Here comes the fighter, a champion of martial and simple weapons. Trained in all things weapon, with the ability to attack an obscene amount of times the fighter uses their martial prowess to push themselves past their limits. The strengths of this class come in its multiple feats, multiple attacks, ability to use any weapon. The flexibility to make this class specialized in whatever way you make it is a strength and a weakness. Its weaknesses lie in the lack of utility and social encounters.


The disciplined and agile monks, who specialize in hand to hand combat. The class ability is the power to control your ki, using it to push yourself past normal limitations. The strength of this class lies in its versatility in combat, never really in a bad position as long as you have Ki points. Having a high Armor Class, and high speed puts you on a high advantage. The weaknesses lie in social encounters, lack of spells, and lack of skills.


The divine knights of whatever deity that they pledge their oaths to. The class ability to channel their divine energy into a powerful smite in place of a spell slot.The strengths of paladins lies in the social encounters while being able to put out large damage. Not to mention being able to take a beating. The weaknesses are in the lack of utility and the small spell pool. Lack of stealthiness and sticking to the strict code of your oath.


The stealthy hunters scoured across the wilderness from the high mountains to the deep otherworldly caves of the underdark. Rangers having the class ability to be highly attuned to a set of wilderness, like forests or plains. Also having the ability to track down specific types of enemies and know how they speak or what they are like. Strengths to this class come down to the ability to support your team in travel, track and be a strong damage dealer. The weaknesses in this class among the D&D Martial Classes lies in its lack of skills, and social encounters.


Probably the most notorious of all D&D Martial Classes, the rogue. Using your class ability of sneak attack being able to pinpoint a weakness that can prove deadly. Strengths for this class is its overwhelming amount of damage, not to mention its expertise and making sure if you’re good at something you can’t fail. As well as protecting you from large amounts of damage. Weaknesses include not being able to take a lot of damage, as well as usually making yourself a target when seen.

Conclusions on D&D Martial Classes

Like I concluded in my previous article, each class is attractive for its own reasons. Whether that’s the abilities that come with the class out of the book, or the idea that surrounds the class and you provide with your role playing. You can make your idea fit with a little bit of work. Everyone will have their opinion on which one is the best, and that’s okay that is their opinion. Like this is my opinion, all classes are not created equal. That doesn’t mean you can’t play a non optimal class, it just means you should be prepared for your choice. That is the point of this list, so that you know what you are getting yourself into. Anyways, thank you for reading, and remember we all start at level one.